Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Sites, 2020 Last Update: 2021-02-25T01:20:08

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) provides federal funding to participating child care and adult day care centers, allowing the centers to serve nutritious meals to enrolled participants

California Department of Education CACFP sites file, with extra features, include:

CDS Code Matching

There are 5 different methods for matching sites to schools in the schools file, each with its own code:

The matching method code is included in the match_type columns. For many of the matching types there can be more than one CDS code associated with the matching string, particularly the strings based on addresses. The match_qc value is the inverse of the number of values with the same matching code, so if the algorithm selected the first of 5 CDS codes, the match_qc value is .2

Only about of the 35% of the 5076 sites are matched. The number matched for each type of matching tecchnique is:

Not Matched    3292
fhs            1602
name_city       161
name_county      19
mp_name           1
fhs_nz            1


  1. Initial version
  2. Add faked CDS codes for sites that are not schools

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